Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Diagram On How To Make A Pirate Ship

All fastwebbari - lowering tariffs

Mi rivolgo a quelli di vecchia data sopratutto: le tariffe sono cambiate. Andate nella my fast page ed effettuate the change of membership, why do not you update it automatically. I've gone from 19 + 20 + 40 (megalinea + voice + internet) to 19 + 14 + 32 monthly. There are 28 euro less for each bill, why leave?

In January there should be a further fall to the DSL line, it was rumored € 20 for 20 megs, but it remains to be seen.


Friday, November 3, 2006

Ghostbustersproton Pack Instructions

It happened so long ago and ...

's my last post here dates back to November 2, 2005, and accidentally my first post on LJ I made them in November 2004, to today - November 3, 2006 - scroll the pages of this blog a' last time.

Meanwhile, I participated in other political blogs, cinema, music (mostly on Splinder and WordPress), but I admit that here on this blog, I've left my heart for two years.
These pages are a reservoir of impressions and feelings, of course sometimes immature and childish, which made me sbellicare, but 'now means a lot to me and I pop up thinking about the problems I had when I wrote here.
I was reminded many people, some gone, some remain and in some the balance between the one and the other ... but all remember with pleasure some of these I remember with a sense of guilt in the stomach, but they are people who have struggled to pass and forget, so it's fine '.

However, in case anybody cares, now I write for a newspaper online ( - Journal of the province of Viterbo) for a small local days of that party, it is hoped, will have ' an online version soon.

with this post I do not know if I really want to go back to writing here, but I know 'that I was glad to do so today in this journal chock full of memories, which are now more' connected than ever.